Have you buy car insurance? If not should consider to buy it. Why? Because by purchasing car insurance means you have control of financial losses when the risks of collision, such as slipping, reverse, etc. happen to your car. For the sake of Your safety and comfort – and the users of the road around you – when you drove by car on the road, it is highly recommended that you have car insurance. So you will avoid the problems that you don't want, especially regarding large expenses. Follow some tips to help choose the type of car insurance you need.
For this, when you buy car insurance, consider the following tips:
Consider the reputation of the company
The first thing you should do is pay attention to reputable companies offering car insurance. Reputation of the company you can see from the company since when standing, is optimal or whether the services provided to each client whether his clients, many who complain on these companies, etc.
Note the things that guaranteed and no guaranteed in insurance policy
You should also pay attention to things that are guaranteed and are not guaranteed in the car insurance policy. For example, the insurance company only guarantees the damages above 75% of the value of the coverage (in TLO) and the company will not provide compensation if damages occur due to natural disasters, car.
Note the workshop partners
Things you should pay attention to is find out the location of the workshop partners and the quality of the workshops. Consider if the location of the workshop too far. In addition, the quality of the workshop the workshop in terms of providing the best care against your car (in terms of employees and spare part).
Consider additional services
Make sure the repair shop has additional services that will benefit you. Such services such as ambulance, tow service, 24-hour customer service, cost of transport, repair workshops, new for old, etc.
Consider a premium offer
Instead, consider a premium offered by each company. When necessary, You compare the premiums-premiums. With notes, the premium rates still reasonable (reasonable). That is, don't be too sure with an insurance company that offers premium under the standard. It could be that the company is abal-abal.
Consider references from family and close friends
You should also consider references from family or place near you who are already buying car insurance on a particular company. This way would of course be more effective because they know the company and that you do not experience the regret in the end.
Note clausa. In general there are two types of car insurance, i.e. total loss and all risk. Total loss only replace a lost vehicle costs, while covering all risk of damage to the car when you crash into another vehicle and also third parties. With the value of the higher premiums, on all risk insurance you can add cover riots, floods, and earthquakes. And, some insurance companies such as the ACA or Garda OTO is already equipped with a tow car service 24 hours, so you can be ready to be assisted whenever and wherever you are.
Calculate the value of premium and discount. When choosing the right insurance for vehicles
You, notice the value of the premium and the pieces that you can be. For example, for the value of all risk, premiums range from 2.8-3.5% of the value of your vehicle, and usually You can get discounted premiums for up to 15%. It should be noted, however, that price cuts are reducing the number of facilities that you can? If You got a cheap premium, but in the event of a disaster, the insurance option You even deny, is not should you choose which (more) expensive but make it easy for you?
Check the peer workshop. Each car insurance company – anywhere – has had a working relationship with body repair workshop. Then, when you want to make claims, insurers usually provide several options of the workshop to the policyholders. We recommend that, before you put the vehicle into the garage, please review first, and examine how they work as well as the quality of the workmanship. Thus, after the car was left there for repair, you will not be disappointed with the results.
Be aware of the reduction of the value of the vehicle. For those who want to pay the premium value is lower, you can do a reduction in value of vehicles of up to 5% of the premium offered. However, it should be noted that if it is done – for example, when your vehicle can no longer be repaired or is lost – the value of the company was changed from keeping fit based on contract at the beginning.
The vehicle was 10 years old. For vehicles 10 years old or more can only be covered with insurance total loss. All risk insurance does not apply to such vehicles. The value of a premium range of 1.8-2.2%.
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